Eight Ways to Increase Install Conversions

First impressions are everything – including app store success. With over 67% of app downloads coming from app store search results, understanding and implementing App Store Optimization (ASO) is more important than ever. Here are our top eight ways to standout from the crowd and increase install conversions.
1. Create a memorable icon
The icon is the first thing a potential user sees when searching for a new app to download. If the icon doesn’t portray what the app does or the brand it is sure to get lost in the ocean of other apps. Plus, once installed, the icon is the only visual queue a user has to remember your app and make it one of the 27 they use every month. How will you remain memorable?
2. Improve the App Description
Google Play pulls keywords directly from the description of the app – unlike the Apple App Store’s keyword field. Apptamin suggests using main keywords five times in the Google Play description – but make sure to not keyword stuff as this can cause lower rankings. Create a description that is both ASO and user friendly to increase install conversions and have the best chance of ranking and grabbing potential users’ attention. Google also just changed their policy on search ads in the PlayStore – organic rankings will now be placed ahead of the ad for branded keywords.
3. App Preview & Play Store Video
A high-quality video displaying what your app does and how it can benefit the potential user can increase installs up to 25%. The poster frame of the video, or the screen that is shown to users before they click to it, should be considered your first app store screenshot – so branding is key. Take a look at Apptamin’s full appstore video guide and increase install conversions today!
4. Screenshots
The old adage of “a picture is worth 1,000 words” rings true in App Store Optimization. By creating enticing screenshots displaying the UI while providing informational tidbits developers can both educate and entertain with the screenshots. In 2016, the most popular formatting of Appstore imagery is a screenshot displayed on an iPhone UI with a description.
5. Develop Review & Rating Strategy
Ratings have an impact on your ranking within both Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. More importantly, they are highly visible to potential users and having a high rating can increase install conversions. Developers can’t control what people will rate the app, but they can control when they ask for ratings in their app – we suggest doing this after a big win in a game or after three usages to get users when they’re engaged and happy. Don’t forget to ask your employees, friends, and family to rate the app!
6. Engage App Reviewers and Bloggers
The benefits of getting your app reviewed by sites are twofold; backlinks help in Google Play rankings and the exposure can drive unaware consumers to download the app. With over two million apps on both Google Play and Apple’s App Store developers need to come up with a good angle on their app should be reviewed. We also suggest contacting Apple directly at appstorepromotion@apple.com and building a relationship with app store managers on LinkedIn.
7. Index the App
Google supports indexing for both Android & iOS. While this has no direct impact on the app’s ranking in the store, it will allow the app’s content to appear in Google search results and drive downloads. Plus, with Google’s ever changing algorithms who knows if and when indexing will directly influence rankings. Branch provides all the information you need to understand the importance of Firebase indexing!
8. Integrate Google+
Google Play gives extra credit to apps that allow users to sign in with Google+ as it helps them learn more about users. Plus, users will appreciate easy account creation opportunities and it allows you to show re-engagement ads! We suggest always implementing a Facebook login option for this reason.